Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Austyn's Violin Christmas Concert

We thought we would share this video of Austyn playing the violin for her Christmas Concert. If you know Austyn this is truly who she is. Sometime Goofy and always makes you laugh and of course a busy body. She had Lance, Nana, Papa, and I laughing hysterically.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Shrek, Fiona, Donkey, and Pussin Boots

I have to tell yout this funny story or game we play in our family. Well, it all began when Lance got his nickname from work known as Shrek. Now if you ever have seen Lance and when Shrek looks like a human you would understand. Anyway, when we starting dating I became Fiona and as time went on Austyn became Donkey, which fits her well because of what she says and does. Now you are probably wondering where Pussin Boots comes in, well, that is our dog Stitch. Every once in a while though Austyn decides she wants to be Pussin Boots, which fits her too because she is getting tall and his skinny minnie, plus, she can be sassy. Now we don't play this game everyday just when Austyn wants too, which happens about once a week and mostly while we are on car rides. There for a while she thought she was baby Shrek, but she has decided that isn't so and tell us that she has a brother and a sister in Heaven. Well, we will probably someday be living the story of Shrek 3rd when it happens except Lance hopes that doesn't happen with multiple babies. I tease him and tell him that it is possible since twins are in my family. Love you Shrek!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Mona Lisa and Shrek

This is a picture of Lance (aka Shrek) and CY's dog Mona Lisa. You can see why the dog is called Mona Lisa.

More about the Black's Life

Well, I said I would post some pictures. I tried once and it just wasn't working right, but I will get their eventually. Anyway, it seems like the only time I have to post is when I am work. I think it is because I have two busy bodies in my house that keep me busy. Austyn will be five on April 16, 2008. She is looking forward to turning five. It is amazing how much they grow up. She also thinks she needs a baby brother or sister and she things there are both. I keep telling her maybe someday or whenever it happens. Austyn is excelling really well at school. She is beginning to do Math and Reading. She loves to read because ever night we have to read her a book before she goes to bed and at least every two weeks or so we go to the library. Austyn has also decided to take up the Violin. She is doing pretty good at that except she doesn't like to practice. I think that's the mom's fault. If anyone every wants to go watch a movie and wants someone to go with come get Austyn. This little girl, loves to watch movies. I am not sure where she got that from since Mom doesn't like to watch movies. She also likes to play Trouble, which she calls it the Naughty game.

Last week I sent Lance back to Colorado to see his family for his Valentine's present and plus he was getting grumpy. It sound like he had a great time with his family especially test driving 2009 trucks and seeing CY's dogs, which are huge. At least he came back happier then when he left. Those four days while he was gone I continued in my decorating mode and painted our bedroom, which I love. I am almost finished with it or at least I hope I finish by this weekend so we can have our bed back. Maybe I will have to show you some pictures of my master piece.

I guess I will be finished now. I hope everyone has a Happy Valentine's Day!